来源:枫荣美术网 发布时间:2022-9-1
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上图:画家 Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman
标题:"A Friesland Ketch and a Gelderse Keth," from "Various Ships and Views of Amsterdam, part II"
上图:画家 Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman
标题:"A Seaport," title page from "Various Ships and Views of Amsterdam, part III"
上图:画家 Pierre-Numa Bassaget, called Numa
标题:"At the Railroad Station"
上图:画家 Charles Samuel Keene
标题:"A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"
上图:画家 Edgar Degas (1834–1917)
标题:Dancer Adjusting Her Slipper
上图:画家 Abraham Bosse (–1676)
标题:Actors at the Hotel de Bourgogne
上图:画家 Alexandre Denis Abel de Pujol (French, Valenciennes 1785–1861 Paris)
标题:Allegorical Figure of the City of Piacenza, for a Pendentive in the Chapel of St. Roch, Saint-Sulpice, Paris (recto); Studies for the Same Figure, squared in graphite (verso)
上图: 画家 Berthe Morisot (1841–1895)
标题:A Woman Seated at a Bench on the Avenue du Bois
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