大师素描系列(2)塞缪尔·普劳特 Samuel Prout(1783-1852)
来源:枫荣美术网 发布时间:2022-9-2
塞缪尔·普劳特 Samuel Prout(1783-1852),英国水彩建筑绘画大师,皇家色彩协会会员。
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上图:Kolorierte Lithographie, 40 x 29 cm nach Aquarell von Samuel Prout, 1822–1824 aus: Fac simile of sketches made in Flanders and Germany ... London: Hullmandel, 1833, Köln, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum – Graphische Sammlung
上图:The entrance to Dieppe. Ink, watercolour and gouache. Circa 1830. Signed. 6.75x10.25 inches. Framed: 16x20 inches
上图:Figures at the cathedral portal, Ulm. Wwatercolour heightened with white, 32 x 22 cm
上图:Wurtzburg (Würzburg). Mainbrücke und Festung Marienberg. Kolorierte Lithographie, 29 x 41,8 cm
上图:The Zwinger, Dresden
上图:Coastal Scene with Beached Boats in Foreground
上图:House in the Haverwerf, Malines c.1823-51, by Samuel Prout
上图:Britton's Architectural Antiquities, 1807 - King's College Chapel 02, West Front - architecturalant01brit 0061
上图: The hand-book for travellers in Italy, from London to Naples
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