大师素描系列(132)巴西国家美术馆(Museu Nacional de Belas Artes)馆藏素描【B】
来源:枫荣美术网 发布时间:2022-8-31
巴西国家美术馆巴西国家美术馆(Museu Nacional de Belas Artes)坐落于里约热内卢,1937年设立,占地18000平米,是巴西最为重要的美术博物馆。美术馆内珍藏17世纪至20世纪的巴西和国外艺术家作品,包括绘画、雕塑和素描等6万件。
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上图:画家 Antonio Mancini (1852–1930)
标题:Portrait of a lady
标题:Profile portrait of a bearded man
上图:画家 Rodolfo Amoedo (1857–1941)
标题:Jesus Christ in Capernaum
上图:画家 Victor Meirelles (1832–1903)
标题:Male figure (study for the "Naval Combat of Riachuelo")
上图:画家 Victor Meirelles (1832–1903)
标题:Paraguayan soldier (study for the "Naval Combat of Riachuelo")
标题:Portrait of a man (a member of the Mascheroni family?)
标题:View of the Roman ruins with the Arch of Constantine
上图:画家 Victor Meirelles (1832–1903)
标题:Study for the portraits of the Viscount of Abaeté and the secretary Almeida e Albuquerque for "Princess Isabel swearing an oath"
标题:Sailing ship
上图:画家 Fontana
标题:Theatrical scene representing a room of king Solomon's palace
上图:画家 A. Peixoto
上图:画家 Annibale Carracci (1560–1609)
上图:画家 Carlo Fontana
上图:画家 L.J.F.
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